Taking and relaying messages 

  • When you have the note of what the person is calling about or you have taken a message from someone, always ensure the line is put on hold before you discuss with someone else in the Clerks’ room. 
  • If you need to pass the call up to a more senior colleague, try to help them by letting them know what the call is about if you can. There is more on this in the section that follows “How to make a Difference” 
  • If the call is for a Member of Chambers (and you have checked with a colleague that the barrister will probably want it), make sure that you clearly inform the barrister who it is and which firm. they are from and, if possible, what it is about.  
  • If leaving a message on the barrister’s voicemail, make sure you leave a clear and detailed message and the caller’s number should they need it. If necessary, introduce yourself at the start of the message so they know it is from the Clerks’ room (if you are a new member of staff do not assume that the Barristers will know who you are yet!), along with the time and date.