‘Blind recruitment’

So-called ‘blind recruitment’ involves removing identifying information from job applications and CVs before they are reviewed by those involved in the shortlisting process.[1] By concealing details such as demographics, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disabilities, or background, the aim is to enable applications to be evaluated based on qualifications and experience rather than extraneous factors.

Regarding pupillage recruitment, the Pupillage Gateway already facilities this practice by enabling AETOs to download anonymised versions of applications for circulation to the shortlisting panel.[2] Insofar as recruitment for staff is concerned, software is available to facilitate ‘blind recruitment’ practices. This may be something that recruitment agencies may be able to facilitate. Alternatively – if resources permit – redactions can be made manually.

‘Blind recruitment’ may have its limitations in a chambers environment. For example, the practice is unlikely to be of assistance in lateral recruitment given the nature of this kind of recruitment. In such circumstances, additional care must be taken to avoid bias.