Retention of records

Recruitment records must be retained for the relevant time:

  • Generally:
    • For unsuccessful applicants: one year (unless the successful applicant is a non-UK national)[1]
    • For successful applicants: throughout their time in chambers plus at least six years[2]
  • For a successful non-UK applicant: recruitment records of all applicants in the recruitment round plus the successful applicant’s records throughout the applicant’s time in chambers plus at least two years.[3]
  • Pupillage recruitment:

Under the Authorisations Framework, chambers must retain the following information for at least 5 years:

  • Training records for pupils.
  • Training outcomes for pupils.
  • Training records for pupil supervisors.
  • Training records for recruitment panel members.
  • Recruitment records (advertisements, application process, selection criteria, assessor records).
  • Pupillage agreements.
  • Diversity data for pupils (this might compare applications, interviews offered, pupillage offers made, places taken up and progression to tenancy/employment) and the action that you have taken following review of data.
  • Complaints/grievances with the AETO’s analysis and action taken.
  • Pupil feedback, analysis and action taken.
  • Policies related to pupillage.[4]