Fair Allocation of work V4.1

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Who is this training designed for?

  • Clerks/Practice Managers dealing with allocation of work to members of chambers and pupils
  • Members of the Bar selecting other barristers or pupils to work with them on cases

The ABC Fair Allocation of Work training module was specifically written for Clerks and Practice managers, as well as Members of Chambers, by practicing barristers Anna Williams and Kerry Gardiner. The course is designed to help ensure that allocation of work is fair, constant and in accordance with Bar Standards Board guidelines.

The following training is based on version 4.8 of the BSB Handbook (‘the Handbook’), which came into force on 21 May 2024. You should ensure that you keep up to date with any subsequent changes to the Handbook and supporting documents.

About the authors

Kerry Gardiner is a member of Guildhall Chambers. She acts for both Claimants and Respondents in all matters relating to Employment law including unfair, constructive & wrongful dismissal, redundancy, Transfer of Undertakings (TUPE), whistleblowing, breach of contract and discrimination.

Anna Williams joined Guildhall Chambers following successful completion of her specialist Employment and Discrimination Pupillage and has experience in all aspects of practice in the fields of Employment and Discrimination law.

Kerry and Anna specialise in Employment & Discrimination law as well as representing clients in employment tribunals and judicial mediations, They are both frequently instructed to appear in the Employment Appeals Tribunal.

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