Anti Racism Training

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Who is this Anti Racism training designed for? 

• Members of the Bar practising from Chambers or a BSB Entity, independently or virtually. 

• Employed barristers 

• First and second six pupils 

• Chambers support staff

The ABC Anti Racism training module was specifically written for Members of Chambers and Chambers’ support staff by Maya Sikand KC and Tayyiba Bajwa, both practising from Doughty Street Chambers. The writers bring their legal expertise combined with their lived experience to this training. It is designed to give Members of the Bar and Chambers’ staff a good understanding of anti-racism and its manifestation in the unique context of the Bar.  

Maya Sikand KC: was called to the Bar in 1997 and practises in public law from Doughty Street Chambers. She is a leading silk in the fields of police law, inquests and public inquiries as well as Human Rights Act, discrimination, and tortious/personal injury claims against a range of public bodies. She is a contributing author of Police misconduct: legal remedies (LAG, 2022); Human trafficking and modern slavery: law and practice (Bloomsbury Professional, 2020) and writes three chapters for Archbold (Sweet & Maxwell)She has an MSc in Race & Ethnic Relations and currently serves as Chambers’ Equality and Diversity Officer.

Tayyiba Bajwa is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. She was called to the Bar in 2019 and previously qualified as a solicitor in 2016. She practices across a range of areas including criminal defence, civil liberties and human rights and international law. She has been instructed on a number of cases engaging issues of discrimination, including the successful public law challenge to the Metropolitan Police’s Gangs Matrix. Tayyiba recently spent 18 months seconded to the International Human Rights Clinic at UC Berkeley where she supervised clinic students on a number of international human rights projects and co-taught a seminar on international human law, including modules on racial microaggressions, positionality and colonialism within the law.

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