Pupillage application process


All AETOs must conduct pupillage recruitment in line with the Pupillage Gateway timetable,[1] irrespective of whether they administer the recruitment process themselves or through the Gateway.

Application process

AETOs can choose whether to use the Pupillage Gateway. If they do, they should make sure that they consider and make appropriate use of the features to allow the application process to be tailored to the chambers and type of pupillage, such as the additional questions.

If they do not, they should follow the general guidance above in relation to application processes above.


Offers (including informal offers) must not be made prior to the Pupillage Gateway deadline.[1] Offers must be in writing[2] and ‘incorporate the AETO’s standard pupillage terms which must also be available to the prospective pupil on the AETO’s

website or on request’.[3] Offers must also contain the following information;

  • ‘the AETO and pupil supervisors will promptly provide the pupil with all necessary assistance in complying with their regulatory obligations eg registering their pupillage with the BSB’[1]
  • ‘Pupillage funding arrangements’[2]
  • ‘pupils must provide, prior to starting the non-practising period, clear documentary evidence to the AETO that they have satisfactorily completed academic and vocational training components, are a member of an Inn, have obtained immigration visas (where relevant) and registered their pupillage with the BSB’[3]
  • The notice period for the pupil to withdraw prior to the starting the non-practising period’[1]
  • ‘Any conditions which must be fulfilled prior to the pupil starting the non-practising period eg required achievement in vocational training’;[2] and
  • ‘The date of commencement, length of the non-practising and practising periods and the date of expected completion’.[3]