Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training

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Who is this E&D training designed for?

  • Members of the Bar practising from Chambers or a BSB Entity, independently or virtually.
  • Employed barristers
  • First and second Six Month pupils
  • Chambers support staff whose role encompasses allocation of work for members and pupils, practice development meetings, managing more junior staff, overseeing the development and training of more junior staff and assisting on recruitment.

N.B. Very junior Chambers’ staff will generally find it more helpful to use the Foundation Course module specifically written for those beginning their careers in Chambers. The Foundation Course is a very good way to ensure that junior staff are aware and knowledgeable with regards to Equality and Diversity in the workplace and are able to understand good E&D practice.  A link can be found here.

The ABC Equality and Diversity training modules were specifically written for Members of Chambers and Chambers’ support staff by specialist employment barrister Kerry Gardiner and are designed to give Members of the Bar and Chambers staff a good understanding of diversity equality and inclusion and principally their context within a Chambers environment.

About the author

Kerry Gardiner is a specialist employment barrister and a member of the highly regarded Employment and Discrimination Team at Guildhall Chambers. She acts for both Claimants and Respondents in all aspects of employment law including unfair, constructive & wrongful dismissal, redundancy, TUPE, whistleblowing, breach of contract and discrimination, appearing in employment tribunals, judicial mediations and the EAT.

How this training works

The training is divided into manageable sections. Each section can be worked on separately and you are able to leave and re-join from different devices from the point at which here you left off. The training can be completed when you choose. You can work at your own pace and as and when your working day allows. Your licence is valid for 12 months from date of purchase and you can revisit the course material as often as you wish to refresh your memory or for reference purposes.

The sections contain an overview of the legal obligations of the Equality Act as well as the regulatory rules from the Bar Standards Handbook. The overview is designed to be informative and useful to those either with some E&D working knowledge or for those who require a reminder or refresher training.

The training is presented in a linear fashion which guides you through each section in turn. Each sub-section needs to be completed before moving onto the next. Once the training has been completed you can revisit the module and drop in and out of any section, in any order, as you wish.

There are also a number of useful links within the sections for those who require greater detail or more information on that topic, for reference purposes or to deal with queries on a given point.

Although assessing the information in the links is not obligatory and does not form part of the training, it is recommended that delegates should use these useful sources of information to gain a better understanding of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

At the end of the course is a test of your knowledge via randomly selected questions designed to be of relevance to barristers and the Chambers environment. Attaining a pass mark of 75% or more will gain access to a training certificate which you can download and print for your records.

Course Content

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0% Complete 0/1 Steps
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0% Complete 0/1 Steps